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Saint Petersburg State University exchange program student presentation

Published on Dec 27, 2011


Each year several students from Osaka City University (OCU) spend one month at the Saint Petersburg State University in Russia as part of a student exchange program between our two universities.

This year four OCU students (Takashi Nakano-2nd year Faculty of Law, Sara Fujio-3rd year Faculty of Law, Kenta Hayashi-2nd year Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Yusuke Imagawa-1st year master course Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences) travelled to Saint Petersburg in September. They presented their experiences to an audience of 30 people during an open lecture at OCU on 14 December.

The students explained the differences between Russia and Japan, the sights of Saint Petersburg, life in Russia and the historic city of Novgorod. Through their stories they gave everybody a fascinating and rare glimpse of their time in Saint Petersburg.

Recruitment for the exchange program with Saint Petersburg starts in October each year. If you are interested in participating, feel free to inquire at the Global Exchange Office (1-goukan building).

Saint Petersburg State University image No.1 Saint Petersburg State University image No.2

Saint Petersburg State University image No.3 Saint Petersburg State University image No.4
