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2011 Welcome Party for New International Students

Published on May 10, 2011


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On 15 April the 2011 Welcome Party for new international students was held at the Tanaka Memorial Hall. It was an event where new international students could get acquainted with each other and their Japanese fellow students.

In his welcome speech, vice-president Miyano (in charge of International Exchange), explained how the university is promoting its internationalization. And he also introduced a tutoring system. He asked students not to try to solve everything by themselves, but to rely on their tutor if they can use any help. Mr. Miyano also hoped students would enjoy their student life and participate in the many events.

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Mr. Takeyama, vice-chairman of the Alumni Association called upon the exchange students to form the foundation of the international exchange of the university. He said Japan was facing a harsh period of recovery after the Tohoku earthquake and expressed how the warm support from countries all over the world made him realize the importance of the friendship between people.

The chairman of the Exchange Students Association, Ms. Peng Xue (Graduate School of Engineering), congratulated the new students and wished them many new friends and an enjoyable student life.

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After the speeches the Japanese Music Club performed in traditional dress, playing a 'Sakura 2011' medley of classic Japanese songs on the shakuhachi flute and koto to let us hear the unique sounds of Japanese music.

In total 117 students attended the party.
