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Courtesy visit from the University of Guilan (Iran)

Published on Jan 25, 2017


On 23 January 2017, Dr. Elham Hosseini of the University of Guilan (Iran) met with OCU Vice President for International Affairs Sakuragi and Specially Appointed Professor Takui (Senior University Research Administrator) of the Graduate School of Science to discuss possibilities to enter into an academic exchange agreement. Until 2016, Dr. Hosseini was a post-doctoral researcher at the OCU Graduate School of Science, carrying out research in the field of quantum computing. She is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Guilan in her native Iran.

Her return to Iran has offered OCU and her new university an excellent opportunity to explore possible areas for exchange, which will be further discussed during her visit.

University of Guilan.JPG
From left to right: Vice President Sakuragi, Dr. Hosseini, Prof. Takui
