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Start to sell! OCU students idea’s Beef and Full Flavor of Vegetables Curry and OCU President Tetsuo Arakawa idea’s Beef Stew

Published on Nov 01, 2017


 Start to sell! OCU students idea’s Beef and Full Flavor of Vegetables Curry and OCU President Tetsuo Arakawa idea’s Beef Stew

Beef and Full Flavor of Vegetables Curry 420JPY
(including tax)

OCU President Beef Stew 640JPY (including tax)


On October 30, 2017, a ceremony was held to unveil OCU students idea’s ready-to-eat beef and vegetables curry and OCU president idea’s ready-to-eat beef stew. 83 people including students and OCU staffs tried the curry and the stew. After the tasting, the polling was conducted. As a result, the curry was a winner. However, the President and students respected the efforts and the ideas each other. 13 students in Graduate School of Human Life Science and faculty of Human Life Science involved in making the curry. The concept of curry is to be accepted by a wide range of people and to stimulate awareness about healthy meal. Therefore, the curry is used lotus roots and bean curd lees. The curry contains 5g fiber per package. The box is also important to sell it. The students took a process of trial and error. Finally, they achieved a satisfactory level of design. On the other hand, the president’s beef stew has already popular among students and staffs because he served it on some occasions. It was high time to commercialize the stew. The both products started to sell at coop in Sugimoto campus and Abeno campus from November 6.

The Stew PR by President Tetsuo Arakawa

The Curry PR by Students

Trying the Curry and the Stew
by Students and Staffs

President Tetsuo Arakawa and Students
in Faculty of Human Life Science

Commemorative Photo
