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Increase motivation for learning by good sleep!

Published on Dec 19, 2017


“Children’s Health Seminar” hosted by Organization of Health Science Business Innovation was held at Osaka City University, Center for Health Science Innovation in Grand Front Osaka on December 2, 2017. Over 20 people gathered the seminar.

Recently, an environment and life style surrounding children dramatically changed. Therefore, they are exposed bright light until late at night. Special Appointed Prof. Kei Mizuno in Medicial Science on Fatigue in Graduate School of Medicine acted as lecturer for this seminar entitled “Raise learning motivation and brain function from children’s health abilities”.

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Special Appointed Prof. Mizuno gave the participants various investigation results and explained the children’s situation that there are some elementary and junior high school students who are in a chronic fatigue with lack of sleep which leads to decrease motivation for learning and a decline in brain function. For securing sleeping hours, it is important that children do moderate exercise and refrain going to convenience store at night, using Social Networking Services and watching TV and video. For improving a sleep habit, family communication, for example, having a meal with family and saying nice things to them, is important. The participants took notes earnestly.
