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Research by Specially Appointed Lecturer Sugisaki of Graduate School of Science, Prof. Sato, Prof. Takui, Prof. Emeritus of Engineering, et al., selected for 2020 PCCP HOT Articles!

Published on Oct 12, 2020


Takui PCCP HOT TOPICThe paper "A probabilistic spin annihilation method for quantum chemical calculations on quantum computers" published on September 17, 2020 by a research team consisting of Kenji Sugisaki, Professor Kazunobu Sato, and Professor Emeritus Takeji Takui of the Graduate School of Science was selected for the 2020 PCCP HOT Articles by the international journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

You can see the paper at the following URL,


About this research

The research team announced a new quantum algorithm that can efficiently remove a "spin contamination" (a wave function with an undesired spin quantum number). This allows for a new method to correctly obtain a wave function with a desired spin quantum number while performing quantum chemistry calculations of a molecule on a quantum computer.

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