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Online kickoff for final Selection of the 17th Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students 2021

Published on Dec 09, 2021


 The final selection of the 17th Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students 2021 (commonly known as GRACON) was held for two days from October 23 (Sat) to 24 (Sun), 2021. This contest, co-sponsored by Osaka City University, Yokohama City University, and the Yomiuri Shimbun, aims to support high school students' learning and research activities. Furthermore, this program cultivates scientific creativity, and develops individuals who can play active roles in the advancement of science.

 Conducted online, this was the first time the program was held in two years. After receiving research support from university faculty and the call for entries, students that passed the preliminary screening that began in July presented their research results in poster and oral presentations at the final selection meeting. In addition to the participation of 72 teams from all over the country, 3 schools from Taiwan and Singapore were invited to join the program. 

For more details, please visit the Collaboration and Contribution Center for Community website (Japanese language only).
